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How to Become a Freelance Writer With No Experience?

7 Step By Step Guide on How to Become a Freelance Writer With no Experience

Are you looking for information on how to become a freelance writer with no experience? Then you are at the right place.

Over the years, writing has become a lucrative career option for many individuals. Notably, starting a freelance writing career with no experience can seem daunting. But fear not, for with the right tools, knowledge, and mindset, it is possible to break into freelance writing. 

In this article, we will give you a step-by-step guide to becoming a freelance writer with no experience. So, whether you want to make writing your full-time job or want to earn some extra income, keep reading to learn how to become a freelance writer and easily find entry level writing jobs no experience remote.

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7 Steps on How to Become a Freelance Writer With No Experience Online

Mainly, writing is a lucrative career where with 82% of US freelancers being writers, 24% of them earn over $50,000 annually. Therefore, if you are considering becoming a freelance writer, the following are 7 easy-to-follow steps. 

1. Self-Assessment

This is the first essential step in becoming a successful freelance writer or entrepreneur, especially if you have no prior experience in the industry. Self-assessment helps you identify your strengths, weaknesses, skills, and goals. These qualities guide your career path and help you make informed decisions. 

  • Identify Your Strengths. Identifying your strengths is the first step in a self-assessment. This includes reflecting on your skills, knowledge, and experiences. Identify what you are good at and what you enjoy doing, identifying the unique strengths that set you apart from other writers. For example, you may be good at research, storytelling, or editing, making you stand out. 
  • Identify Your Weaknesses. Identifying your weaknesses is equally important as identifying your strengths. You must be honest with yourself and identify areas you need to improve. For instance, do you struggle with grammar or punctuation? Do you lack confidence in your writing abilities? Identify your weaknesses so that you can work on them.
  • Determine Your Goals. Mainly, this entails setting realistic and specific goals that align with your strengths and weaknesses. What do you want to achieve? Do you want to write for a specific niche or industry? Do you want to build a full-time freelance writing career or a part-time one? 
  • Writing Samples. If you are still not sure of your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing, then writing samples can be a good starting point. Your writing samples can enable you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can identify areas where you excel or need improvement. Also, you can ask for feedback from other writers or editors to gain insight into your writing style and abilities.
  • Your Work Habits. Assess your work habits to identify areas to improve your productivity and efficiency. For instance, do you have and follow a writing routine? Do you have a system for tracking deadlines and invoices? Identify areas where you can streamline your workflow and improve your work habits.

Remember, self-assessment is an ongoing process, and you should regularly review your progress and adjust your goals and strategies accordingly.

2. Build Your Portfolio

Building a portfolio is the second step. A solid portfolio is essential to become a successful freelance writer. A portfolio is a collection of writing samples showcasing your writing skills, style, and expertise y following a brief step-by-step guide on building a portfolio. 

  • Create a Niche. Identify your expertise or interest and focus on developing your skills and knowledge in that area. For instance, if you are interested in health and wellness, you could specialize in writing about nutrition, fitness, or mental health.
  • Write Samples for Your Portfolio. Once you have identified a niche, create a few writing samples that showcase your writing skills and style. Choose topics that align with your niche and demonstrate your expertise. You can create various samples, such as blog posts, articles, case studies, or white papers, all to showcase your versatility in writing and expertise in the niche.
  • Guest Blogging. Look for blogs or websites in your niche and contact the editor or owner and request to guest post. Guest blogging is a great way to build your portfolio and gain exposure. Offer to write a guest post in exchange for a byline and a link to your website or portfolio. Ensure your guest post aligns with its audience and provides value to the reader.
  • Use Social Media. Social media platforms are a powerful tool for building your portfolio and reaching potential clients. Create a professional social media profile and share your writing samples, insights, and experiences. Use relevant hashtags and tag other writers, editors, or publishers to gain exposure. 

3. Networking

Since you are starting and have no prior experience, networking is an essential part of building a successful freelance writing career. Notably, networking is an ongoing process that requires persistence, patience, and a willingness to learn from others. To network effectively and become a sought-after freelance writer, you need to;

  • Join Writing Communities. Look for relevant online communities such as Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, or writing forums. Participate actively, ask questions, and offer feedback to other writers. Share your work and ask for feedback to build connections and get noticed.
  • Attend Writing Events. Look for events in your local community or attend virtual events.  Always attend writing events, such as writing conferences, to network with other writers, agents, and editors. In these events, always introduce yourself when you can, and don’t be afraid to converse.
  • Reach Out to Other Freelance Writers. Look for freelance writers who specialize in your niche or area of interest and contact them through email or social media. When reaching out to them, always be professional. Introduce yourself, express your admiration for their work, and ask for advice or feedback.
  • Utilize Social Media. Create a professional social media profile on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram. On these platforms, share your work, insights, and experiences. Importantly, follow other writers and editors, and engage with them by commenting, sharing, or retweeting their posts.
  • Offer Your Services at a Discounted Rate. Offering your services at a discounted rate can be a great way to help you build your portfolio, gain experience, and establish client relationships. Look for opportunities on freelance marketplaces or reach out to small businesses or individuals who may need writing services. Offer your services at a discounted rate in exchange for a testimonial or a referral.

Also read: How to Create a Small Business Marketing Strategy 

4. Develop Your Writing Skills

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced writer, there is always room for improvement. Therefore you need to keep learning and improving your skills. To develop your writing skills and take your writing to the next level, you need to do the following;

  • Read Widely. Reading widely is one of the most effective ways to improve your writing skills. Read books, articles, blogs, and other content that interests you, especially within your niche. When reading, always pay attention to the writing style, structure, and tone. Analyze how the writer conveys their ideas, engages the reader, and uses language. Importantly, make notes and use what you learn to improve your writing.
  • Practice Regularly. Writing is a skill that requires practice. Make it a habit to write regularly, whether a blog post, a journal entry, or a short story. To effectively write and avoid procrastination, set aside time each day or each week to write, and challenge yourself to write in different styles and genres. Use writing prompts to spark your creativity and experiment with different techniques too. 
  • Get Feedback. Feedback from others will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and improve your writing skills. Therefore, don’t shy away from sharing your work with a trusted friend, family member, or writing group, and ask for constructive feedback. Listen to their feedback, trust your instincts, and don’t fear making changes that feel right for you.
  • Learn the Rules of Grammar and Style. Take the time to learn the basics of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and use them consistently. Understanding the rules of grammar and style is essential for effective communication. Please familiarize yourself with style guides, such as the Associated Press (AP) style guide or the Chicago Manual of Style, and use them when needed.
  • Attend Writing Workshops or Classes.  Look for writing workshops or classes in your local community or online, and choose ones that align with your writing goals and interests. Participate actively and ask questions, and take advantage of the opportunity to learn from experienced writers and other participants. Attending writing workshops or classes will always provide you with valuable feedback, guidance, and support.

5. Create a Professional Profile

Your profile is often clients’ first impression of you. Importantly, your profile represents your brand, and it is essential to make it stand out from the competition. But how can you create one? The following are steps to creating a professional profile that showcases your skills, experience, and personality.

  • Choose a Platform. The first step in creating a professional profile is to choose a platform. Many platforms are available, including freelance marketplaces, social media, and personal websites. Choose a platform that best fits your niche or expertise and where potential clients will likely find you. I highly recommend you begin by creating a personal website, where you can showcase your work. If you already have a budget for a basic personal website, then you check Namecheap web hosting and domain name offers.
  • Write a Compelling Bio. Your bio is an essential part of your profile. It should be well-written and error-free. Also, in your bio, you should highlight your skills, experience, and personality. Avoid using generic phrases. Focus on what makes you unique and why you are the best fit for the job. Also, use keywords relevant to your niche or expertise to make it easier for clients to find you.
  • Showcase Your Portfolio. Include a variety of samples that demonstrate your expertise. If you are new to freelance writing, consider creating samples for your portfolio. Your portfolio is an essential part of your profile to showcase your best work and demonstrate your skills and expertise. 
  • Highlight Your Credentials. Highlighting your credentials helps you stand out from the competition. Therefore, include your education, certifications, and any relevant awards. Also, if you have worked with notable clients or have been published in reputable publications, highlight that.
  • Include Testimonials. Testimonials from previous clients can provide social proof and increase your credibility. Include testimonials on your profile from previous clients or colleagues that showcase your skills and work ethic. But, when you are new to freelance writing and don’t have testimonials, you begin by considering offering your services at a discounted rate in exchange for a testimonial.
  • Keep Your Profile Updated. Regularly update your portfolio, bio, and credentials to ensure your profile is always current and relevant. This will show potential clients you are active and engaged in your freelance writing business.

6. Apply for Simple Writing Jobs From Home

Applying for freelance writing jobs can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to the industry. But, since you want to make it in freelance writing, applying for writing jobs is inevitable. Notably, you must do it often to keep jobs flowing and get an opportunity to upscale by applying for better-paying jobs. Significantly, when you are persistent and apply for jobs right, you increase your chances of landing high-quality gigs.

Here is a brief guide on how to apply for writing jobs and stand out from your competitors. 

  • Look for Job Listings. The first step in applying for freelance writing jobs is to find job listings. Essentially, there are many platforms where you can find freelance writing jobs, such as job boards, social media, or industry-specific websites. Therefore, research and identify the platforms that best fit your niche or expertise. Regularly check the platforms for content writing jobs work from home for beginners. Notably, if you are into creative writing, you can search specifically for creative writing jobs for beginners on these platforms.
  • Create a Pitch. Once you have identified a job you are interested in, create a pitch. In your pitch, highlight your skills, experience, and how you will add value to the project. Constantly tailor each pitch to the specific job you are applying for. Also, include relevant examples of your work. Keep your pitch concise and to the point, focusing on what makes you unique and why you are the best fit for the job.
  • Customize Your Cover Letter. Avoid using generic cover letters. Customize your cover letter and make it stand out from others. To customize your cover letter, research the company and the job requirements. Also, address the hiring manager by name, and include specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications and experience. 
  • Follow Up on Your Application. Sometimes the hiring manager might be busy or have forgotten to reply to your application. Therefore, following up on your application is an essential step. It shows you are interested and enthusiastic about the job. Send a polite follow-up email a few days after submitting your application. Inquire about the status of your application or provide additional information. Notably, when following up, avoid being pushy or demanding. Be brief, straight to the point, and respect the hiring manager’s time.

7. Managing Your Freelance Writing Business

Managing your freelance writing business effectively is critical to your success as a freelancer. When starting, it can be tempting to focus solely on writing and neglect other business aspects. But, as a freelancer, you are not just a writer but also a business owner. The following are ways to manage your freelance writing business effectively.

  • Set Realistic Rates. Setting realistic rates is one of the most critical aspects of your business. Your rates should reflect your experience, expertise, and the value you provide to your clients. Charging too little can damage your business as it can lead to burnout, low-quality work, and inadequate compensation for your time and effort. On the other hand, charging too much can make you less competitive in the market. Therefore, research industry standards and assess your skills and experience to develop a fair and reasonable rate.
  • Create Contracts and Invoices. Create contracts and invoices to protect your business and ensure you are paid on time. The contract should outline the terms of the project, such as the timelines, payment schedules, and project scope. The invoices should include a detailed breakdown of the work completed, the amount due, and payment instructions. To make the process more efficient and organized, you can use invoicing software.
  • Manage Your Finances. Proper financial management will help you stay on top of your business and avoid financial difficulties. Therefore, as a freelancer, it is essential to manage your finances carefully. You should keep track of your expenses, invoices, and payments. You should ensure that you are staying within your budget and earning a profit. 

Importantly, you should set aside money for taxes. Also, as the business grows and managing finances becomes complex, you should invest in accounting software or hire an accountant to help you with tax filing and financial planning. 

  • Communicate Effectively with Clients. Ensure you understand your client’s needs and expectations. Communicate your requirements and limitations as a freelance writer. Importantly, always respond to emails promptly. Also, provide regular updates on the project status. 

If issues arise, address them professionally and work with your client to find a solution.


If you have been asking, ‘How do I become a content writer with no experience,’ now you are answered. By following the above 7 steps, you can become a successful freelancer writer even without prior experience.

Importantly, you must be patient and persistent and constantly seek opportunities to learn from others and network. 

Lastly, as a freelancer, you are a writer and a business owner. Therefore, you need to apply all the relevant entrepreneurial skills to enter the industry and excel in it. Generally, since it’s business and attractive, with proper management, you can achieve your freelancing career goals and thrive in this competitive freelance writing world.

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